Our Story


WalkThe_ basks legs up, belly exposed in the sliver of sunshine where design culture & dog parenthood meet.

Woofin weird as a positioning statement perhaps, but WalkThe_ was conceived through the incredibly strange weeks the world spent in lockdown to stop the spread of COVID-19. Like most people, our mum (Nicole) was working from home during the pandemic response, and we (like lots of our k9 mates) had unprecedented access to our human parents.


While mum was trying to be focussed and do her thing, we were muscling in on zoom, and enthusiastically helping her go about her work. This type of "assistance" wasn't entirely new to mum as under normal circumstances we go to her studio for "business" - but we saw lots of fur-babies helping their human parents during this time. Mum's social media feeds went from the typical roster of visual design, printmaking, architecture and ceramics to a steady stream of creative canine and feline companions. 

  • Rolly was helping his mum write, 

  • Gidget helped her mum design cities & dad work on strategy, 

  • Skat was overseeing water sensitive urban design, 

  • Stanley was printing & binding books,

  • Eddie was working on web development, 

  • Rambo was creating helpful info-graphics,

  • Esteban was art-directing & branding,

  • Charlie was writing songs,

  • Bear made jewellery & developed menus,

  • Luna & Quincy were throwing pots, 

  • Ziggy was working on animated short films, 

  • Lil designed a new range of dresses... 

Even the late-night comedy shows mum & dad stream on Youtube had k9 co-presenters. We animals found our time to shine and were living our best life in what the humans tell us were dark days. Four-legged family members worldwide were comforting their two-legged companions who were feeling isolated and lonely. Our loyalty, optimism and love inspired Mum to create a platform to learn more about the dogs in the creative community.

So WalkThe_ begins with WalkTheTalk a series of interviews with creatives about their practice and their canine collaborators. Mum will also profile the makers of her favourite dog goods. And we have ambitions to help mum design a range of doggie centric stuff (in partnership with other dogs and humans), so we can give back to animals in need.


We hope your tail will be wagging to meet all these incredible canines and their companions. In the meantime, you can learn more about us, our mum & dad below.

Wags and woofs

Bee, Kahu & Tere


Family photo above; describe our pack

yadda yadda woof woof


Our Tails:



I am the pack leader and Chief-Operating Officer. I was born in Australia and moved to NZ with my mum, dad and brother Manu a couple of years ago. I have 14 years experience in negotiating on-demand ear rubs, and ensuring meal-times are delivered to schedule. My breeder named me Blue-Bell, but my personality isn't delicate or flowery, so we shortened that to Bee. I am super chill (except in a storm) and not-so-into toys; I spend most of my day chasing sunlight to sleep-in. My dad is the apple of my eye. I enjoy patrolling our deck to provide neighbourhood watch services, daily walks on the beach, and occasional hikes in the bush (but have arthritis so require my humans take a backpack for me to ride in when I tire). Like most West Highland Terriers, I have skin and digestive allergies, as well as ear-issues (which is a phenomenal excuse for my selective listening). I struggled when my brother Manu passed away - after a period of taking Anti-Depressants, the vet recommended mum and dad get me some subordinates. Being a boss-lady has given me a new lease on life.


I am 20 months old and a Schnack (Schnauzer-x-Jack Russell) although Jack Russell is dominant in me. I am the intellect of the family, and as Managing Director, I am the brains of this operation, always looking for opportunities (and mischief). Named after my grandmother Tere Moana, I am polite and gentle-natured, I like to make friends but have a killer hunting instinct and regularly dispatch rodents. I also pride myself on the ability to seek and destroy pens and pencils. I am good at tricks (and agility), especially when there are food-based rewards. I like toys, especially ones I can chase to feed my prey-drive. Without constant stimulation, I dial up the shenanigans. I crave adventure, enjoy the beach (but not the water) so prefer the bush. Like Bee, I have food and skin allergies, it was tough going to find foods I could eat without getting sick. I idolise my mentor Bee, I shadow her with deck patrol, and have ambitions to be the boss dog (eventually), but for now, I relish being second in command.


Like Tere, I am 20 months old and a Schnack - we were from the same litter, and share genetics and life experiences, but we are vastly different dogs. (I am more schnauzer than Jack Russell and significantly bigger than my brother - although he and Bee boss me about). My role at WalkThe_ is Production Supervisor, I lack confidence with most things, but I know I am great at my job because I am obsessed with my mum and keep a close eye on her and her work. ( I suffer from separation anxiety so don't let her out-of-my-sight). I also have luxating patella, so mum and dad named me Kahu (for strength). My dodgy knees make me a little clumsy. I love my voice; I talk, sing and bark a lot. Mostly the noise is when I am nervous - new people, big dogs (and the world) tend to scare me. I am happiest when my humans hold me close; I have a huge heart, and cuddles are my safe space. I like soft, snuggly toys. I am super eager-to-please and love attention, so although it takes me a while to learn, I will do whatever you ask (except be quiet when I am excited or scared, woof woof!).



I am a book & communications designerprintmaker & publishereditor and design journalist. I am also Bee, Tere and Kahu's mum. Frequently accused of spoiling our pooches, I am comfortable with being a soft-touch. Wagging tails and enthusiastic wet-nosed welcomes bring me a lot of joy! I grew up with dogs; they have always been integral to my family, and I am grateful for their unconditional love and companionship. My role here is Design & Editorial Director, as well as chief dog walker and feeder. I am keen to learn more about the two and four-legged friendships in our creative community, Walkthe_ is a vehicle for that and (hopefully) more... I am passionate about animal welfare, the planet, and the health of our oceans, I am a mindful consumer and also value design thinking and outcomes. I see an opportunity for WalkThe_ to be a confluence of these things. As I begin to lean into the editorial aspects of this project, I am actively exploring possibilities for climate-conscious dog-centric product design, and what social good this platform could facilitate. 


My background is in engineering, I work (full-time) as a maintenance manager in construction manufacturing. I have a passion for architecture and the Aotearoa landscape. I currently spend my weekends building a home for my wife Nicole, our canine kids and I on the Coast between Thames and Coromandel townships. We are privileged to live on a beach surrounded by native bush. Our three rascals bring a lot of joy to our family. When our house build is complete, I am keen to collaborate on making dog-centric products for other canine's, and their parents. In the meantime, I am here to lend an advisory hand on Production and Fabrication and to ensure the Chief-Operating Officer, Managing Director, and Production Supervisor don't run amuck.